

ISM-Dallas is offering zoom meetings on numerous topics of interest for the Supply Management Professional.

We have brought in many sponsors from companies that have a strong interest in our profession. Please regularly check our Education Calendar for a great opportunities to learn the insights of what's new and build up your continuing education hours for recertification.

We are an ever changing profession and it is important that we provide current content. Please send any topics of interest to our board for new education and training opportunities.

Upcoming Events




Member Only

Revolutionizing Sustainable Procurement: Data-Driven Supply Chain Solutions

Join us for an exclusive webinar as we unveil the groundbreaking alliance between ISM and Kloopify, a leader in sustainable procurement technology. This collaboration marks a significant milestone in the evolution of supply chain management, combining ISM's industry expertise with Kloopify's cutting-edge data analytics platform.


In this 60-minute session, you'll discover:

    • The vision behind the ISM-Kloopify alliance and its potential to transform sustainable procurement practices.
    • How Kloopify's data-driven solutions complement ISM's best practices and standards.
    • Real-world case studies showcasing the impact of this integrated approach on supply chain sustainability and efficiency.
    • Practical strategies for implementing these innovative tools in your organization.
    • The future of sustainable procurement and how this alliance will shape industry trends.


Exclusive Offer: The first 5 attendees to sign up for a pilot of Kloopify will receive the pilot for free!


Kloopify’s leader will share insights, answer your questions, and provide a live demonstration of the integrated solution.


Whether you're a procurement professional, sustainability officer, or supply chain manager, this webinar will equip you with the knowledge and tools to drive meaningful change in your organization's procurement practices.



Member Only

Aligning, Redefining, and Thriving in the Era of Disruptions

This session will cover positioning your supply chain operations to quickly adjust to the dynamic forces surrounding supply chain, procurement, and logistics. Strategizing through today’s market and economic ups and downs are key to staying competitive – assessing realignment and redefining it.



Member Only

Complying with a Time-Sensitive Canadian Supply Chain Act

Canada’s Fighting Against Forced Labor and Child Labor in Supply Chains Act (S-211) went into effect January 1, 2024. If you sell products into Canada, your company may be required to comply and submit comprehensive supply chain reports by May 31, 2024. Join this interactive webinar with a live Q&A led by international trade and ESG leaders from BDO to build your understanding of what companies are subject to the Act, reporting requirements, and what this could mean for supply chain due diligence requirements in other countries.
